What feeders do you breed?

Fruit flies in my fruit bowl as of this afternoon.....
Sorry those little things just annoy me to no end other than that-- none:(
Crickets,dubias,red runners, silkworms when they make fertile eggs:rolleyes: hornworms in the summer, Giant florida katydids:D,texas katydids, greenbird grasshopers and FF flies :cool:
I am currently breeding or at least trying to breed:
Crickets, Silk Worms, Flightless Fruit Flies, Bean Beetles, Dubia Roaches, Hissing Roaches, Question Mark Roaches, and Green Banana Roaches.
Also~ Springtails and Isopods(for frogs)

I'm going to try mantids soon. Anything else I should try?
crickets, supers, dubia, and ff when i need, i cant even keep silks alive let alone think about breeding them?????
Crickets and roaches. Although I may give up breeding crickets soon as my younger chameleon is now eating bigger crickets instead of pinheads.
Crickets,dubias,red runners, silkworms when they make fertile eggs:rolleyes: hornworms in the summer, Giant florida katydids:D,texas katydids, greenbird grasshopers and FF flies :cool:

Would you be willing to ship some katydids? ;) I could also breed them... Do the chams like them?
Crickets,dubia,giant green banana roaches, silkworms, hornworms,super worms,just got some mantis and stick bugs and waiting on the katydids and grass hoppers then I will add the painted butterfly's and fruit fly cultures.... Whew that was a mouthful! I am tired just thinking about it :p
Would you be willing to ship some katydids? ;) I could also breed them... Do the chams like them?

Maybe:rolleyes: I am working on more eggs right now lol. I got to keep some for my self too:D They are my hunger strike braker for my wc falys. They are very good as a feed and a pet I love mine one of my big females name is cricket:rolleyes: I know dumb.
Maybe:rolleyes: I am working on more eggs right now lol. I got to keep some for my self too:D They are my hunger strike braker for my wc falys. They are very good as a feed and a pet I love mine one of my big females name is cricket:rolleyes: I know dumb.

You know you "got it bad" when you start to name your feeders lol ;)
Maybe:rolleyes: I am working on more eggs right now lol. I got to keep some for my self too:D They are my hunger strike braker for my wc falys. They are very good as a feed and a pet I love mine one of my big females name is cricket:rolleyes: I know dumb.

That's awesome.
I currently breed Crickets, roaches and silk worms... What do all of you breed?

Hissers, dubia, Turks (although not for much longer), superworms, wood sow and rollie pollie terrestrial isopods, indian walking stick phasimids, mealworms, fruit flies, grain moths (and larva). Formerly silkworms. Crickets only for pinheads.
I am new to reptiles and have a Panther and Two bearded Dragons. I recently purchased 1000 1/2" crickets from Carolina Crickets.They are healthy and some have started chirping. I guess they are mature. I understand a Cricket will only live about 6 weeks. I notice some smaller ones in the box. Are they breeding and laying eggs? I would like to breed them instead of buying them. I seem to have almost as much fun raising the bugs for feeders.
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