what can i feed my cham


New Member
My cham is a little on the skinny side right now and i was wondering what kind of feeder would be good to give him? (something besides dubia roaches because im kind of on a tight budget at the moment) My male veiled cham is about 6 months and I have been just feeding him crickets.

would waxworms or superworms be good?
My cham is a little on the skinny side right now and i was wondering what kind of feeder would be good to give him? (something besides dubia roaches because im kind of on a tight budget at the moment) My male veiled cham is about 6 months and I have been just feeding him crickets.

would waxworms or superworms be good?

How much does he weigh? Can you show us a pic? Veileds tend to be on the 'thin' and 'lanky' side of things.
I'm usure of how much he weighs, to be honest i dont think i know how to weigh him :confused:

here's a few pics of him i just took:



He's a nice looking boy! Superworms are ok to go along with your crickets but high in fat so not too many. Waxworm and hornworms are ok but silkworms are excellent if you can get them.
He looks healthy. If he isn't eating much he might just be on a hnger strike. These can last a week or two... sometimes up to a month (in adults). If he doesn't eat for a month something isn't right at his age.

Feed him crickets with supplements and mix things up with silk worms, super worms, butter worms and horn worms.

You might want to lower that vine from the top of the screen so it isn't so cramped for him.
yah, i've been meaning to lower the vine because he had a recent big growth spurt :eek: thanks for all the advice everyone! I'm just being a worried wart i guess :p
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