Well he showed me


Avid Member
I have my Senegal's huge cage and an extra glass enclosure I use for the crickets. I put my chameleon inside the big cricket keeper to eat real quick, keeping an eye on him, since I was worried if I put the crickets inside HIS enclosure that he'd swallow some loose substrate. I used to think he wasn't the SMARTED chameleon in the world when he kept trying to eat an mnm that was outside his enclosure, on the desk a few inches away, he got angry whenever his tongue hit the mesh instead. Inside the cricket keeper he got his eye on a cricket and it went under a piece of egg carton. My chameleon actually went up to the cardboard egg carton peice, clamped onto it with one hand and stood up on his hind legs to flip it over, effectively getting the cricket. I MAY have taught him this since I've been getting him to stand up for his food lately, as a small trick. I'm proud of him!
Sorry didn't video tape it! It was sort of a surprise to me, I'll try to see if he does it tomorrow! I might even start setting up little things for him to figure out to get his food.
if any of my lizards did that...i would probably piss myself then kick myself in the arse for not having a camera for that moment!
I don't know if he exactly knew what he was doing though, there was a cricket on the top and he MIGHT have been trying to reach for it, by standing up on his hind legs while holding onto the cardboard. He better do it again though!
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