water and food songs


New Member
Does anyone sing when they feed or water their chams???

I found my self sing I make it rain on dem chams today...

I make it rain
I make it rain
I make it rain on dem chammmsss...

Am I just weird or do other people do this kind of thing?:eek:
Oh I think most everyone here talks to their chams it is more odd to not talk to them even if they are def
Does anyone sing when they feed or water their chams???

I found my self sing I make it rain on dem chams today...

I make it rain
I make it rain
I make it rain on dem chammmsss...

Am I just weird or do other people do this kind of thing?:eek:

LoL make it rain
Haha I've never sang to my chameleon, but I also talk to little Mishy-my nickname for Kamish :) I did find if pretty funny that one member sings the Black Eyed Peas song-Hey Mama-to Molly. I was literally laughing out loud...for a while :)

Hey Molly...lol
When I used to feed my snake, I would put on this one slayer song, the snake began to recgonize the song and knew it was time to get fed.
LOL :eek: guilty on both counts. I`m not sure Gizzy likes "it`s raining men though" or perhaps it`s just my wailing it she dislikes :eek:
I personally don't sing to them, but like everyone else I do talk to them. I even have to scold them if they try to bite me for one reason or another or if they will not eat the healthy parts of their meals. It's always a struggle getting y guys to eat certain food items. Some of them just wanna be round like a barrel and only eat super worms so I have to leave the mantis in their cages until they decide I'm not feeding supers for another week or two. They can be so difficult sometimes, like little prehistoric looking rainbow colors kids. lol.

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