Vitamins... A and D3...interactions...

I’ll be honest. I’ve been waiting to complain about that one 😂

I’ll keep digging too. I’m sure I’ve heard/seen it elsewhere
You don’t need to comb the literature, just google images of the major supplement brands. They all abide by the golden ratio.
Here's the Hoby study...

More articles...

Sites that mention the 100:10:1 ratio...which one came first...or from a study?
"The generally recognized ratio of Vitamin A (as retinol), Vitamin D & Vitamin E is 10:1:0.1"...

"The accepted ratio of vitamin A to vitamin D3 is 10:1 and so that is the reason why most supplements have this ratio"...

I'm going to be adding to this thread more...but not to this post now. I'm afraid my edit time will run out.
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