Vitamin and mineral interactions.....I know this isn't for chameleons....but....

Yeah thats why I was saying last night about the importance of vitamin a but a lack of other important vitamins can be counter productive there needs to be good balance
Thank you again @kinyonga
I know this isn’t “for chameleons”, but it’s not a big leap in logic that similar interactions aren’t occurring in chameleon biology as well

One of the issues I wrestle with is how much of the “balance” I’m providing to my Chams comes from my feeders and their diet and how much comes from my supplementation

Ive heard accounts from extremely successful keepers that rely almost solely on feeder variety and gutload with mostly calcium only supplementation and no multivitamins. Mario Jungmann comes to mind

at the same time, I have trouble trusting that my “feeeder feeding” Is adequate to ensure this balance. I’ve gravitated towards the Arcadia supplementation because it seems to supply a variety of these vitamins and minerals daily while avoiding high concentration of fat soluble (possibly dangerous?) vitamins

I definitely don’t know the formula, but this article emphasizes how far I have to go to understand and properly implement my Chams nutrition
I shouldn't be a big leap in logic ...but I always hesitate to say it definitely is true because of things like Guinea pigs needing vitamin C in their diet but bunnies not (they make their own).

I wrestle with the balance too...there are so many players in the game, between interactions between vitamins and minerals and what we can get in the way of insects to feed to the chameleons and what we need to feed the insects. I've always tried to take a middle road approach...supplement some...feed a variety of foods to the insects...try to provide a husbandry that can sustain the chameleon in a healthy condition but isn't necessarily "natural"....if something works, leave it alone...if it doesn't try something else.

You said..."I definitely don’t know the formula, but this article emphasizes how far I have to go to understand and properly implement my Chams nutrition".... This has driven me crazy for years. There is so much that plays into the diet of all creatures!
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