Very sad does anyone have chameleon...


New Member
with an eye that got hurt? mine when I got it was fine both eyes rolled around just great, then two days later I noticed it was kinda babying it didnt open it alot and blinking really weird he was rolling it around in there with it closed alot. The next day he was opening it some so i though maybe it got 'poked' by something and was ok. well yesterday after noon i thought it was sleeping during the day and I got worried but it was right before it was time for me to turn the light off so I thought well its prob just tired.(as i was adjusting it to changing the on off times) So today it kept sleeping and i adjusted the lite thinking maybe it was hurting its eyes but didnt help so i took it out and as i was checking it out I soon realized that its the same eye (duh) and it wasent sleeping it just has that eye closed and the eye is about half the size of the other (one that its moving around) so I think its hurt and never going to see out of it again. Is this a common injury or is it something i did??
What kind of UVB light are you using? Is it the cham that was shedding in the pictures?
I a 5.0 uvb lite that I went all over town to find only to find out its the wrong kind :( I have the new proper ones coming fedex says it will be here weds. it is the same lite they were using at place I got them that why i thought I did good :(
and no its the other one the bigger one.
Don't panic. There is probably just something in there. Mist at the chams head several times tomorrow so it has a chance to clean it's eye really well. I would probably just turn off the UVB light depending on the brand-which brand is it? Did it eat today?
it was a repti glo 5.0 coil
and yes he/she did eat he sat at the dish and ate about 4 worms that I watched and he was trying to open it while he was eating that time a few time throught out the day when i came in the room he was leaving the dish and he did get a cricket that was just in the cage not in the bowl!
That UVB light is actually probably OK-so I would not worry about that. Good thing that he is eating. Mist him good tomorrow and hopefully all will be well. If not I am armed with Terramycin and we have a good cham vet in our area!
I know that when I purchased my cham from Craig's List, the owner sent him with a coil bulb and it was definitely affecting his eyes. Lots of eye closing, bulging, etc... As soon as I switched it to the Tube 5.O, his eyes went back to normal. Also, mine does still periodically have weird issues with one, could be from that bulb, but a good showering, with the water bouncing off the curtain and on to him seems to flush it out nicely. Just a few ideas.
That UVB light is actually probably OK-so I would not worry about that. Good thing that he is eating. Mist him good tomorrow and hopefully all will be well. If not I am armed with Terramycin and we have a good cham vet in our area!

really thats great to know because i was wondering if we had one kinda close or if I'd have to drive to miami or something to take them to the vet if I had too! :) I will everyone updated on it goes the next couple of days.

See i was thinking it was the lite because when i brought them home it was kinda doing strange things well i didnt have a uvb lite on it for a like 3 days (the one that got shipped was broken then the place i got them at was out it was like pulling teeth to find one in pinellas county!!!) and then a day or two after they have the lite back its doing the strange things again so maybe its a combo of something in it and the lite aggervating it??? I'll see when i change the light i guess i hope its ok though makes me sad I love those bugg eyes looking all around!!!
I would recommend a vet visit of course to get a professions opinion and the proper meds. I would also recommend as much natural UV as possible. You live in FL so that shouldn't be hard. The new UVB bulbs put off alot of UV and with my babies I have noticed it often bothers their eyes.

I've been working with a preemie for 5 months now. She carried around the yoke sac a couple of days and the cord for 3 weeks. I've spent allot of time with her and she's doing well just growing very slow. She was from a 6 month retained clutch with only 5 eggs that made it past two weeks and she was the only one that made it. A slit was in the egg and I waited for 24 hours but she was too small and too weak to get out. I opened the egg and got her out. The UVB bulb bothered her the first 2 months so I had to take her outside for natural sun only. I weight her every Sunday and she gains every week. This past week from 13.4 to 16 grams. That's the size of the runt in my first clutch at two months old. I'm talking veileds here. She's had a couple vet visits and very health and very active. My vet thinks she'll be fine but maybe never as large as her mother. If you'd like to see her just search Elly.
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