Veiled owners please chime in


Chameleon Enthusiast
I'm curious as to how many have veiled chameleons that actively eat plants, versus ones that refuse even a nibble. How are those of you who feed your veiled veggies and fruits offering these items and how much, how often. If they don't eat offered greens, but munch on enclosure plants, please say so and state if they seem to eat more from one type of plant than another. My veiled is coming this week, so I'm doing some more digging into their behavior. Thanks
Never had luck with offered greens, I kinda gave up on them to be honest, my female will eat parts of my scheffs every now and again. I haven't had to trim it back since I got her so she is doing a good job at removing new growth. Nothing quite excites her like crickets though.
My Doughnut nibbles her pothos and scheff will not eat any veggies or greens out of her deli cup (yet feeds would nibble on them so one way or the other she ate them) but a few times ate dandelion greens if I waved them in front of her so I gave up on feeding veggies directly and now just leave it to gut loading feeders, am I a bad lazy Keeper because of this I guess so I do wake in cold sweats because of it. Stop judging me!
Different veileds like different fruits and veggies. I think everyone of mine like/liked strawberries and most like the hibiscus flower and leaves. I rotate around with different greens, veggies and fruits to see what they like. I usually hand feed or use a small shallow bowl.

Here's a video of Camille eating hibiscus flower.
My veiled will eat the collard green when I offer them ,since that was the main gutloading vegetables I use when they were just a tiny babies,usually they will start be interested the green when they about 8 month old,especially if u offer them the first thing in the morning after they finish their basking when they are hungery ,sometimes I will even offer the live feeder n vegetables together so they can eat both in one meal without any hesitate.Good luck with ur new veiled.
My 6 month old female so far only eats insects. I have offered fruit & veggies to no avail. I purchased a hibiscus today that will fit in her next cage as it will be 24"x24"x48". I am lining up everything to fix it up with and planning on getting bigger cage August or September. I continue to keep trying the fruits and vegetables as I have them available to gut load her live insects.
Different veileds like different fruits and veggies. I think everyone of mine like/liked strawberries and most like the hibiscus flower and leaves. I rotate around with different greens, veggies and fruits to see what they like. I usually hand feed or use a small shallow bowl.

Here's a video of Camille eating hibiscus flower.

I love how aggressively she pursues that blossom! I'll be planting hibiscus and grape in his enclosure. Thanks for the video and reply!
My veiled will only eat greens if I tear them into about dime sized pieces and put them in his food dish. He did nibble on a pothos a few months ago but hasn't touched any plants in his cage since then. He also shoots his tongue to eat the plants in his dish.
Different veileds like different fruits and veggies. I think everyone of mine like/liked strawberries and most like the hibiscus flower and leaves. I rotate around with different greens, veggies and fruits to see what they like. I usually hand feed or use a small shallow bowl.

Here's a video of Camille eating hibiscus flower.

This had me cracking up the way she tore into the hibiscus. Post videos like this more often!
So far mine doesn't seem interested in veggies, haven't tried many fruits. I've put hibiscus in there and he turned up his nose. (He's about 6 months). However, the min he sees a cricket he gets very excited. He also perks up for superworms, he's had one hornworm so far, more of these on the way. Alphakenc has a good idea to mix both in the feeding cup. I'll have to try that!! Best of luck with your new addition!!
Different veileds like different fruits and veggies. I think everyone of mine like/liked strawberries and most like the hibiscus flower and leaves. I rotate around with different greens, veggies and fruits to see what they like. I usually hand feed or use a small shallow bowl.

Here's a video of Camille eating hibiscus flower.

I love this video so much!! That's too funny how she just went for it. As soon as my hibiscus blooms I'm gonna have to see what Bosco does.... Thanks for sharing!!
My Cham Randall will eat some of the lettuce I offer and some of the plant leaves in his cage, but has no interest in the blue berries and strawberry peices I try feeding him. No two chameleons are the same I guess.
I suppose that once an individual cham samples a fruit or green and decides its OK, it gets added to the "safe foods list" and they'll eat it again in future. After all, they select feeders by sight so why not veggies/fruit? I'm sure they have individual preferences just like other critters. I've only had a couple of veileds and both ate greens or leaves, but not fruit. At that time it wasn't known just how much vegetable matter veileds would eat.
My five month old guy hasn't shown an interest so far. I've offered various berries, watermelon, turnip and mustard greens, and hibiscus flowers, but no luck. He doesn't eat his pothos or schefflera either. Perhaps he'll start when he's older.
My 9mo male eats hibiscus flowers too! Love the video! He is also partial to mustard greens and picks at watermelon a bit.
My 6 month old boy will eat any fruit and veggie I give him!! I have trained him to let him know that every thing I put on the tweazers are food, I just put fruit and veggies on the tweazers and he eats them up


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