veiled not drinking


New Member
ive never seen my veiled cham drink, even when i mist and ive got a water dripper which ive never seen her use. any tips to make her drink would be good?? ive had her for 7 months and shes doing realy well. just wondering if the drink much?
Dou you mist with cold water or warm? Our little veiled likes warm better and tends to drink more if the water is luke warm. Also, maybe your cham is drinking when you are not looking :)
if you have had her that long and she is doing well then she has to be drinking from the dripper when you are not looking. Are her urates white?
Dou you mist with cold water or warm? Our little veiled likes warm better and tends to drink more if the water is luke warm. Also, maybe your cham is drinking when you are not looking :)

i will try warm water. ive never sprayed the water directly on her. im sure i read that i shouldnt. or can i spray her ??
Mine will drink from the spray bottle but I have to aim it just past her so just the edge of the spray hits her nose. She likes a body spray whilest shedding but not the rest of the time.

Unrates are the white part of the poop. I think when the Cham is dehydrated they go orangey.
Mine will drink from the spray bottle but I have to aim it just past her so just the edge of the spray hits her nose. She likes a body spray whilest shedding but not the rest of the time.

Unrates are the white part of the poop. I think when the Cham is dehydrated they go orangey.

she always has white bits in her poop. so she must be drinking from the drip when im not looking.
She is probably drinking when she knows you are not watching her, but after 7 months, she should be used to you by now!

If her urates are white, she is drinking. If they are dark color, brown or orange, she is not drinking.

Just keep your dripper going several hours a day, and make sure it drips from the top of the cage and runs over the leaves and branches.

All chams seem to have different drinking habits.
Mine does not drink when misted, only the dripper. He will actualy put the end of the dripper (soft plastic tube) into his mouth!!

Yes, you should spray her directly (not right in the face!!) and get her dripping wet at least once a day. But you should mist 3 or 4 times a day depending on how dry and warm it is where her cage is.
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