Veiled Chameleon Setup


New Member

I'm new to the chameleon owning world and I've been doing a lot of reading to make sure that I'm providing good care to the little guy. He's about 3 months old and male. His enclosure is 36x19x17. It's all screen besides the back which is covered with artificial bark. The only live plant is the one in the center, everything else is fake. I can't remember the type of plant it is but I know it's a safe plant and starts with an "R". I have a drip set up from a 2 liter hung over the cage that drips about once every second when the bottle is full but as it empties it slows down. There is a fogger that right now is on for 30mins and off again for 30mins on it's lowest setting; this goes on as long as the day UV and Heat spot lamp are on (9am to 9pm). I have a mistking misting system set up with one nozzle at the moment covering the top of the enclosure that comes on every other hour for 10 - 15 seconds. I want to get another one half way down the enclosure to cover the bottom half of the enclosure. The entire bottom is a plexi-glass water catch that empties into a bucket in a drawer underneath the cage. Am I doing anything wrong that I shouldn't be? Here are a few pics:







I like the vines, but I think he needs some more greens and coverage... I recommend pothos a lot because you can get them with long trailers and loop those trailers around for coverage where you need/want it, and they tend to thrive on cham poop and too much water.
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