Veiled Chameleon Laying

That's a lot of may want to put her on the diet and keep her temperatures at 80F to hopefully make the next clutch smallerto help her avoid reproductive issues.
So if you do, feed her well for about two feedings and then cut hr back.

I've never used hatch rite so I can't tell you how moist to make it. I hope others will chime in and let you know.

I have used containers with one or two very small holes poked in them and others that have had no holes poked in them and it didn't seem to matter.

Do not wash off the sand. It's said that the eggs have an "antibacterial" coating and you don't want to wash it off.
If you have to add water to the containers during the incubation, add it away from the eggs not on them.

I usually put the eggs a little further apart...but it should be fine like you have them. I wouldn't disturb them to change it now.

I space the eggs apart for several reasons. I feel that if one starts to die, moulds over, etc. it hopefully won't affect the neighbouring eggs. It also makes them hatch more individually so to me the babies are the best they can be that way.

What temperature are you keeping them at?
Are the containers in the dark?
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