Veiled Chameleon can eat almost everything - VIDEO


Ok guys, as I said 'ALMOST' and here is a list of varied food that I give to my chameleon and comes with a video to prove that they eat all this.

Silkworm butterfly
A variety of Plum
A variety of peach

He also eats banana

There is only one thing that he does not like to eat...Cockroach!
You said melon... like all melons? or just a certain few... I want to get my veilds a bigger variety besides meal worms... without have to go out and get a lot.. Im gonna start getting crickets and breed them... but its nice to see that there is a variety of fruits they will also eat... I got 2 6 month old veilds and well one is a pig and the other only eats one to two meal worms. He is healthy. drinks enough and is more friendly than the other... only chooses to eat not as much...
Tomatoes aren't poisonous in themselves, a large amount may be but a small amount isn't. The plant itself, such as the leaves and stems are poisonous which is what hornworms eat.
You said melon... like all melons? or just a certain few... I want to get my veilds a bigger variety besides meal worms... without have to go out and get a lot.. Im gonna start getting crickets and breed them... but its nice to see that there is a variety of fruits they will also eat... I got 2 6 month old veilds and well one is a pig and the other only eats one to two meal worms. He is healthy. drinks enough and is more friendly than the other... only chooses to eat not as much...

I didn't tried with all melons

At the beggins L just want mealwarms, you nave to try with some fruits, slice the into litle pieces ;)
I think what he is saying is that the fruit that is produced by the plant (the tomato) isn't poisonous unless is large quantities... Its the actual plant itself that is poisonous.
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