Veiled Cham. Skin discoloration


New Member

My veiled cham is having some weird (black and blue) spotting happening on his legs and side. I first noticed it where he cut himself with his foot on his side and since he's gotten some spots on his legs. Anyone have any suggestions outside of taking him to a vet?


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any chance of your chameleon getting too close to his basking light. It could be a burn? Altough his back or casque would touch first I guess.
Does he rub himself on the screen? Any favorite spot on the cage?

A quick photo of his set up would help.
Wow he actually said OUTSIDE of taking him to a I suspect he knows that would be the best option and is now looking for alternatives... wake up:D And i'm just saying not being rude...

If the OP wants answers to a health problem then he NEEDS to go to a professional. The two concerns offered by people actually being helpful to this thread were burn or fungal infection. If this is a fungal infection (which seems highly likely considering the history of skin trauma and multiple lesions) a home remedy isn't going to do anything here and it could progress rapidly to something unsalvageable, even fatal. Everyone is always looking for ways to avoid the vet, but sometimes that is actually the only option...this probably being one of them. The OP can do whatever they want, but if you ask for advice on a forum you should be prepared to get it in all forms. The consensus is there's not much to do "outside of taking him to the vet".

P.S. You just sayin is actually being rude because of how you said it, especially to someone with a ton of experience and research behind them.
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Thanks everyone.

I'll let you know what I find out. I have a feeling it's fungal that was caused from the side cut allowing something nasty inside. If it were a burns his crown would have burns too I'd assume or at least the top of his back. I'll raise his basking lamp just in case for the time being.
While you may have been smiling you seem to have put a lot of effort into making your point over something "stupid". You sound like a lawyer...and I was smiling too because I knew exactly how you would respond, and I was right. ;)

Some people ask for something other than "go to the vet" because they don't know the severity of the issue they're dealing with. It takes a few people with experience telling them the best course of action before they'll actually do it in some cases and we don't know the background of every person enough to know the difference. Now the OP is aware that this issue may require more than at home TLC and I'd rather that be the case than no one be able to offer real advice and their Cham die because they didn't know better.
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I love to argue


a)You are maybe an old man scared of being laughed at
b)You are a 14 y.o girl
c)You find pleasure in doing things your told not to

None of the above, not even close, but good try.

It's a shame you're so combative because it really kills the mood of helpfulness of the forums and scares away people hesitant to post because there may be someone to chastise them for trivial reasons.
Pieter, do you realize that you're arguing with a vet student? Ferret is one of the top people on this forum when it comes to anything medicaly related because she knows her stuff. It's pretty silly to challenge someone that knows a lot more about a subject than you do - it's like me arguing with a professional racer that my Chrysler Pacifica is faster than his racing Porche because mine has two exhausts.

If someone posted a thread saying that they'd lost their arm in a car accident but wanted home remedies to treat it, we'd all say go to the doctor because that's the only option that makes any sense. If they posted that they got a little cut slicing carrots in the kitchen, then yea, we'd all be more than happy to suggest some dissenfectant and a band-aid at home. Sometimes there aren't logical alternatives to a professional, and this is one of those cases. We can't even identify with certainty what those patches are without testing for fungal infections and such, so we can't suggest anything. As much as the OP might want to avoid the vet (which I understand, I've spent over $300 this month on one of my chameleon's vet bills) sometimes there are no alternative options.

Now, please stop calling out people that suggest a vet and calling it a stupid answer when in reality it is a most sensible suggestion.
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Not very LAWYER of me to point out I made a mistake:eek:, that woman actually did say go to the vet,lol..its the other one that didn't. Be that as it may I feel we can apply some good old fashioned "despute resolution tact" here.

1st Was no "effort" at all I love to argue(not fight)
2nd My point is you did what they asked you not to do
- I feel he actually knows thats whats best
- He might have said that because he will only be able to take him in a couple of days and wanted to do something till then to help(speculation)
3rd Your point is the poster needs to take him to a vet
-He might be cheap and trying to avoid vet cost at risk of his pets life

Does that some it up? I'm not defending the poster and attacking you, I'm simply pointing out...well you know that already...

The reason you even responded to my post was because

a)You are maybe an old man scared of being laughed at
b)You are a 14 y.o girl
c)You find pleasure in doing things your told not to

And yes you can now say in a Santa voice "the welfare of the will surely perish....something, something... about a horrible existence and eye infection..."

The fact of the matter is I did not say you gave bad advice... I said you did something unforgivable(lmao) buy mentioning that which must not be named

Now once again I am NOT being rude I am poking fun this time...get over it and maybe I can find it in my heart to forgive your disobedience

A huge part of dispute resolution is avoiding polarizing the existing "sides" of the issue in the first place. Whether it's meant to be funny, sarcastic, or clever isn't the problem, the timing and wording in your responses can be. A bit of courtesy never hurt anyone especially if you are new to a group. Chill, folks.
Me being a vet student has absolutely nothing to do with it to be honest. The first person to say "take it to the vet" was someone else actually. The problem was with how you talk to people. While you may be joking, in text it simply sounds arrogant and downright rude. There was no joking to begin with by anyone else besides yourself. If you'd like to laugh at people for something you don't agree with, do it out loud, at home and move on instead of posting your childish arguments just for the fun of it on a public forum filled with people simply looking out for the well being of other people's animals and trying to help. Saying "I'm not being rude" does not actually negate the rudeness.

To quote yourself from your first post:
If you don't know STFU and move on
Take a page from your own book and only comment on things that you can actually make a contribution to, or move on to something else.
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