Veiled acting aggressive


New Member
My veiled chameleon is hissing and trying to attack me!!! I dont know what to do... Im scared to hold her. Ineed some advice please. Anyone... I'd appreciate it :)
My veiled chameleon is hissing and trying to attack me!!! I dont know what to do... Im scared to hold her. Ineed some advice please. Anyone... I'd appreciate it :)

Female veileds have a rep for being quite grumpy. Not all of them are but mine was for about the first 6 months then she calmed down a bit and tolerated human contact better. It's not a health issue so don't worry about the attitude :)
Ahh... same situation..... that I was in...

I have a solution that worked for my girl!:)

I always tried putting my hand in the enclosure and she would hiss, puff up, change colors, and snap at me... and I really wanted to be able to handle her when needed...


Get a pair of tongs, and crickets... Hand feed her the crickets... making her reach for the cricket...

At first, for a few days I just hoovered the cricket right outside of her enclosure so she didn't have to lean out for the cricket... When she was comfortable with this, I would bring back the cricket a little and put my hand out, so this way she had to put at least a foot or two on my hand to reach for the cricket... after a few days of doing this.... I would lure her onto my hand with a cricket... and when she was on my hand, completely out of her enclosure I would give her the cricket.. :)
some are meaner than others. but if she knows she scares you and you jump away she is accomplishing her goal and getting you away from her. i started with my meanies just reaching in to clean without trying to touch them. after a bit they realize you aren't attacking them. doesn't mean they will be nicer but it is a start and will make you more comfortable too.

after that you can start trying to hand feed. there are a bunch of threads on this for future reading :)

good luck. mine are 7 months old and he is still, and probably will always be, a butthead.
LOL! It's true, if you want the nastiest, meanest, grumpiest cham out there, get a female veiled :rolleyes: :p
Feed it raw meat, and have it guard your house, with a warning sign; 'Beware of Killer Chameleon' :eek: ;)
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