Update on Skeeter

Leo The Legend

New Member
Hello everyone, first I'd like to thank everyone for all their help. I've gotten tons of great advice but unfortunately, I need some more. I called Skeeter's vet today, he's still not eating, its been a week now and the vet recommended "Carnivore Care" made by Hay Oxbow Company. I was just wondering if anyone has used it before and any comments or any possible suggestions for us. He's got an appt. with the vet on Friday. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on his health. Thanks for your help! Leo & Skeeter :)
repti-aid helped my giant male that had a URI and wouldn't eat. I kept him going until he was back on food. Just be sure to give a little extra calcium once they stat eating again when using any of the emergency products as they contain alot of phosphorus because I do believe the balance is not 2:1 calcium to phosphorus like it should be. however I believe the phosphorus helps them when they are down and out, I just like to get them back in balance once they are feeling better. good luck with skeeter.

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