Update! Now and later!


New Member
I posted a thread on handling not to long ago ( https://www.chameleonforums.com/handling-35558/ ) and since then I have been doing as some1 suggested.

In the morning I don't do this because I have no time and don't feel like making him move right when he is up at his bask area. Well today and like any other evening feeding I hold up his feeding container to him where ever he is and when he gets close I move it back as he keeps getting closer. Since I do that he races to catch up and soon he is at the opening of the door. He questions it still then comes out on the ledge part of the door frame and I let him take one cricket. I slid my hand between the container and the door frame when he is busy starring at my face. Then when he sees it he doesn't move farther out but now he isn't running back in. He will slowly go back in but then I will make the feeding container closer to him then he gets ready to grab more. I keep repeating this then finally let him have all the crickets when he goes back in the cage.
I soon hope he will walk on my hand to the container. There is still hope!

Note.. I am only doing this to get him a little use to me when I need to take him out of the cage and once a week handling..

I will bump this thread farther down the road when he has reached the part of being on my hand and eating. Atm I ran out of worms to hand feed but I will get more asap to help the fear of my hand.

Thanks for reading:D
and your welcome if this gave you an idea;)
I have been doing the same recently with Clea! Whenever she sees me going to open her cage so crawls right about onto my hand to see if i have food and sometimes she will crawl out onto my hand
good luck with this.

my little girl comes right down to the front ledge and is almost imposable to get back into the cage every time I open the door. hehe
food or not, she's at the point that I can no longer mist with the door open and have to have extra time on my hands at feeding times incase she wants to explore and not go back into her cage.

my point in all this is don't let him get too used to it...it could backfire on you. :p


Here I am all happy :D

I did the samething as always with the container. This time put my hand at the door in advance and he came racing after the container. He put his front two feet on my hand! :D
Its a great improvement for a few days. But that little eye still stares up at my face then quickly moves to his food and back. It looks like the "evil eye" lol.

Hope is here! :D
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