update and baby melleri first shed


Established Member
Of the 16 that hatched 7/19/13-7/26/13, three have died (the smallest and the weakest ones from the beginning). The other 13 seem to be getting stronger every day and more enthusiastic about eating all the time.



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OMG! How cute is that! I just saw your photos of your suspected pair! I am totally jealous! Congrats on the babies!
Perry since you have chams everywhere, send me some of the melleri and I will board them for you. Then send them all home when you are ready.:) They are just too cute for words.
He looks awesome! I remember when I brought home a baby melleri a couple years ago, I couldn't stop looking at him! They're absolutely adorable.
Absolutely adorable! I wish I could have known my Melleri when they were that small.

Perry since you have chams everywhere, send me some of the melleri and I will board them for you. Then send them all home when you are ready.:) They are just too cute for words.

For some reason, I really believe you would do that Laurie, grow them a bit then send them back to me. ;)

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