Two Chams in same cage


New Member
Now before you start thinking I'm dumb I already know that two are not supposed to be in the same cage but I have a male baby veiled Cham and I think there might be a female I am willing to purchase that is also about that same age. Now is it ok to put them in the same cage just for a little while untill I build her a full cage to herself or is it a bad idea all together. I know males are very territorial with other males but how about a female? Please leave me POSITIVE feedback so I know which route to take. Thanks!
It is most likely a bad idea all together. Even if physical altercations didn't occur the stress the situation would cause for the chams is enough to stay away from having cage buddies.
with his size it is not a good idea to house them together. as hatchlings they can be housed together for a short time but after that they need to be house seperately! this is because they will both get very territorial, even tho they are young he could stress her by trying to mate which could really hurt her, one would become dominant and take all the food from the other which could also result in injuries, and they would be very stressed out seeing each other constantly. so i would wait to bring her home until her cage is made :) :D
At the pet shop they have two in the same cage and they were just walking around and didn't really seemed stressed at all so I just thought since they were babies it might be alright.
Right now all I have for an extra cage is a 10 gallon terrarium would that be ok? Cause she's is only about 3 inches long
No, don't do it. Bad idea.

The only way a chameleon would be okay with sharing a cage with other chameleon is if they were born together. And even then, they might fight for food and territory as they get older. It doesn't matter if its a male, female, transexual, or bestial chameleon. They like being alone except when it comes to making babies.

So, no. Don't do it. Build the cage first, then get the female.
At the pet shop they have two in the same cage and they were just walking around and didn't really seemed stressed at all so I just thought since they were babies it might be alright.

Petshops are a bunch of idiots. I've seen those 5 gallon terrariums at Petsmart with about 15-20 leopard geckos. They don't care for the health of the animal they care for the money in your pocket. If they can fit 20 chameleons in an enclosure, they will do it, doesn't mean it's the right way.

Right now all I have for an extra cage is a 10 gallon terrarium would that be ok? Cause she's is only about 3 inches long

No. Glass enclosures will increase the potential of respiratory infections.
Right now I have the exo terra terrarium it's 18 by 18 by 36 and its glass but has a screen top. Is that a bad cage because I just spent 100 bucks on it and everyone said its a great terrarium to start out with
How long would it be housed in the glass terrarium? If it's only a week or two respiratory issues probably wouldn't occur. Plus many people house chameleons in glass enclosures for their whole life. I wouldn't really worry too much, but I wouldn't house them together. And build the new cage within a reasonable amount of time.
I was gonna have him in there for like 6 months then build him a badass cage but I'm still in high school so I don't have loads of money. Just what I get from my job
Glass enclosures can be bad for chameleons, even the exo terra ones can cause problems simply because the lack of air flow and reflection. To further your question about housing two chameleons together...most chameleons are so territorial they even hate there own that may help answer that. Pet stores aren't really famous for proper care for chameleons. I find it incredibly difficult to see some of the crazy setups they find suitable for chameleons and not say anything. Im sure you will figure something out to make things work out for you, and as a recommendation, being as you have said you dont have alot of extra cash, it may be best all together to hold off on another cham until you get the awesome custom cage built for your current cham..then you could get another for the cage you already have. :D good luck
How old are these animals and what size are they? Veileds can usually be housed together up to 3-4 months, but if one is bigger or more territorial, its probably not going to work.

Your glass exo terra is fine as long as you make sure to maintain everything really well and make sure the temps are okay. No standing water, temps are monitored daily, etc. exo terras can work just fine, they just have to be used a little differently. Screen is usually recommended for veileds/beginners, but if you put in a little extra time and research exo terras work well too. The size is perfect for him until he gets bigger, and a female could live comfortably in it her whole life (size wise.) glass cages are great for areas with low temps and low humidity.
I did the same thing with my two veileds.
They were three months old and lived together since they were eggs.
I just separated them two weeks after getting them because the male was dominating during feeding. He ate all the crickets and the female was starving.
They will compete immediately and the weaker chameleon will get sick and die.
I would never do it again knowing what I know now and I had them together for ten brutal days. I now have 3 4'x2'x2' enclosures and they are all thriving.
This is what I ended up with

In order to properly separate them


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