tricks with dubia?


New Member
My veiled does not seem to like to eat dubia roaches. Any tricks I could try to get him more interested. I have tried giving him the fresh white ones also to no avail. Same with silkworms no interest. He has eaten one of each. He will only take horn worms by hand, he may even dance a jig for one. Sad part is I have a colony going of dubia. He eats crickets fine, but was hoping to feed more roaches than crickets do to sound and smell. I tried cup and free range with the roaches. I am new to chameleons, but already am breeding roaches and crickets seems entomology comes along with the territory with these guys. One other question is carrot ok to gutload super worms?
Maybe dusting it with powdered food for geckos might make the taste worthwhile? Or try smaller ones with this dust. They are definitely crunchier to chew, so maybe he/she does not like that part of it, after getting used to softer food.
I got him to eat them, but only adult males by hand. Spoiled picky veiled... He prefers junk food horn worms, super worms, and dragon flys are gobbled down in seconds. Silk worms must taste nasty to him he tried one and that is it. I think the main problem with the roaches is that they do not move enough tried putting them on their back but the right themselves to fast.. Any dubia like roach that is more active? Dubia like meaning if a couple get loose they do not infest the house. I live in Connecticut. If I ever started a free ranging roach colony in the house my wife will stuff me in the chameleons cage, and I imagine he would not appreciate a room mate:)
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