Thorny Devil/Molochs for Sale?

They can be bought in the states, but dont live long at all. the pet shop where i used to work sold them and well i sent them to a reptile zoo cuz i didnt want someone to pay $75 for a lizard for it to up and die on them. I dont recommend em as pets at all unless you can provide them with the proper ants for thier diet. I got word that the trio i sent my friend who owns the reptile zoo, and the trio is doing great in his colony display and they are getting the correct diet and care.... So diffently not a beginners herp.......

Michael Drake
...You don't have to feed them harvester ants... The reason they need the harvester ants is not just because of size. It is because they have formic acid. The Horned Lizards need this acid to live. Repashy is a great company and have come out with something called Formic-Cal. It's great. Just dust crickets with it. They can live on it and be very healthy!
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