Thinking of getting my first Chameleon, but have some questions


Established Member
So I've been doing some research because my son has been begging for a chameleon. I know I will end up taking care of whatever pet we get but I'm starting to come around to the idea. We were out picking up a few coral for our saltwater tank today and I saw this guy at my favorite store. They were swamped so I didn't really get to chat about him. In looking up some more information when I got home (I like to know as much as possible going in) I'm wondering about his mouth hanging open like this. Is it normal or a warning sign? Anything else I should know, or what are the big questions to ask? I hope to swing by on Tuesday and chat with them during my lunch break and get the scoop. Many thanks in advance. I will be doing lots more research before we decide to bring this guy (or another one) home with us.


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The mouth open is not a good sign. It could be that it is just to hot for him in there or it could be more serious problems. From the looks of the cage, the chameleon doesn't have enough vegitation or branches to climb on. I'm sure the humitity isn't good either. It looks very unhappy. I would like to say to save it from that store but you may be in for big vet bills. That is actually a very sad picture. He probably doesn't sleep well either.
Thank you for confirming what I was kind of thinking. I'm going to go ask some more questions anyway. This store is known for taking in pets that people could no longer care for and trying to help them out and rehome them. In 15+ years of going there I have never seen a chameleon so it isn't an reptile they normally offer.
Here are some really great resources:

If you haven't already, I would read these until you know them like the back of your hand before committing to a chameleon. It's an expensive "hobby" (which I'm sure you understand if you have saltwater tanks!), so be prepared to drop anywhere from a few to several hundred bucks getting everything you need.

We have some really great members and sponsors here that breed healthy and happy chameleons. I'd suggest buying one from them rather than a cham with an unknown history.

Good luck!
That would be great if you can let them know. Even better if they take your advise. Maybe you can print up a care sheet from this site. If they have been around that long and take in animals like that I would think they would listen. Good luck.
Care sheet is printed and I will laminate it when I get to work in the morning and drop it off on my way to a meeting. If I can't swing by and chat with them tomorrow afternoon I will call at least and see if they can check temps and give him some extra places to climb.

These guys are pretty good at admitting when they don't know what they are doinG, and taking advice.

Thank you for your quick replies. I'll be around more as I keep researching and eventually become an owner.
Care sheet is printed and I will laminate it when I get to work in the morning and drop it off on my way to a meeting. If I can't swing by and chat with them tomorrow afternoon I will call at least and see if they can check temps and give him some extra places to climb.

These guys are pretty good at admitting when they don't know what they are doinG, and taking advice.

Thank you for your quick replies. I'll be around more as I keep researching and eventually become an owner.

No problem, I'm glad I could help. Sounds like you're doing the right thing. I'm glad you're taking the advise. I'm sure you will be helping out that chameleon and any others that go in there.
Way To Go.

I did stop by with the care sheet yesterday morning but couldn't stay. Stopped by this afternoon and he is doing much better. There are more plants and places for climbing and hiding. Temps are in the ranges they should be and humidity is up. I even saw him eat some gut loaded crickets covered in calcium.

I also found out he was dropped off at the store in a box by someone who couldn't care for him.
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