They're back!


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Some of you'll might remember from two years ago, my own personal spider infestation horror movie. My mom was in the hospital for three months and I barely got to spend any time there. I would run home, feed and water the dogs and chams, run back to hospital, repeat, several times all day long. Well, it happen to rain ALL summer long here, almost every day. Not common for us at all. The ants boomed, followed by spiders who noticed no one was home. They even killed my pride and joy male BB Sherlock. I am used to spiders somewhat, as they frequently come in the 1,000 box of crickets. The store I get them from seems to have an insane amount for sale. An OBT (aka 'orange bitey thing') even hitched a ride to my house once. That wasn't so bad, as I found him right away. SQUASH! :eek: Today around 5pm, I caught a Brown Recluse the size of a Toyota Camry trying to raid my cricket bin. I cannot sleep now. I have been trying for 5 hours. :mad: I keep feeling something crawling on me as soon as I close my eyes. Thank god, they were only 1/4" cricket escapees from the baby cages. I know we need spiders, but really, do we? :D
I am with you, I know we need spiders, but they do not need to be anywhere near me or my chams, or my dog, or my plants...... You get the idea. I have heard the putting you cricket bin in a tub of water will keep the ants out. I am all about easy, I have glue traps by my feeder bins. I hope you are able to get rid of them.
In kindergarden, I had a friend named Kip. We both used to hunt spiders in an old shed. We even put out upside down cooking pots to catch them. We would hold them and compare specimens. I completely loved spiders and NO fear. Then, as a teenager I started breeding Burmese Pythons and Ball Pythons. Before I knew it, I did not like spiders. They don't send me screaming or anything, just give me the heebie jeebies. I think my body decided it was healthy to keep at least one fear around, for future preservation of it. I have been using spider spray since the last invasion, with decent results. But, since replacing carpet with hardwood floors, it is pretty much useless. There is just too much room at the baseboards. Glue strips help a lot. I found also, the cleaner you keep your cricket bins, the less chance of ants. We live in an ant forest, but they don't get the opportunity. I clean out the 2-4 bins every couple days with new egg crates and transfer the crix to a clean bin. Food and veggie bowls are cleaned and refreshed daily. Have a spider free day. :)
To the subject of spiders, I say "Bleech!". I hate those suckers, though Daddy Longlegs are pretty neat. You've never lived 'til you've looked up and seen a wolf spider in your house - those suckers get HUGE! Good luck getting rid of your infestation, personally I'd burn the house to the ground and start fresh :D
Junglefries, what brand of spray were you using? We've been getting an abnormal amount of spiders this year. Probably because of the rain. I can't keep up with cleaning up the webs and POOP. Don't know what kind they are, only that they're kind of red with a big, round butt.
I love the Black Flag Spider spray. Works awesome. Last time they were out at the store, I had to use the Terro brand in an orange bottle. The BF isn't as bad a fume as the Terro. The Terro will make your lungs hurt. Neither, managed to kill any adults, hatchlings or feeders. I did make sure to move my feeders and youngins. I made sure to keep adults at least 4' from spray. You are correct, spiders love moist and dark. When it rains, it makes the ants move about a lot. This makes the spiders go on the hunt. Hence, in your HOUSE! :mad: If you have cage racks, make sure to lift bottom boards and spray underneath. They seem to congregtate under the cage racks, where feeders escape and hide. Glue traps underneath and along baseboards work great too. Good luck. :)
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Hey.. At least you guys weren't hand washing dishes only to back away from the counter and sink to notice that a mommy spider decided to lay eggs in the crack between your dishwasher and counter... And said eggs hatched, now hundreds of spiderlings are crawling on your leg and the counter... I'm not afraid of them... but once they get on me by the hundreds... I scream like a little school girl! Lol.

Reason why I wasn't using the dishwasher is due to having a septic system. We had a lot of rain and water fills it up for a week. So had to use the sink because it uses less water.
Hey.. At least you guys weren't hand washing dishes only to back away from the counter and sink to notice that a mommy spider decided to lay eggs in the crack between your dishwasher and counter... And said eggs hatched, now hundreds of spiderlings are crawling on your leg and the counter... I'm not afraid of them... but once they get on me by the hundreds... I scream like a little school girl! Lol.

Reason why I wasn't using the dishwasher is due to having a septic system. We had a lot of rain and water fills it up for a week. So had to use the sink because it uses less water.

I pulled over in a Walgreens parking lot once to let my dog out. One of those wolf spiders (?) that carries their babies on their backs got caught on his ear. It looked like a spider nuke went off. Freakin' everywhere. I literally shivered with the heebie jeebies. At the time, I thought it was a recluse. Needless to say, he didn't get back in the car for a while, that night.
One time i saw a wolf spider in my room so i sprayed it with hair spray because that's supposed to kill them, but instead it just exploded babies and then ran under my bed. I managed to kill all the babies but never saw the mom again. I didn't sleep for a week.
One time i saw a wolf spider in my room so i sprayed it with hair spray because that's supposed to kill them, but instead it just exploded babies and then ran under my bed. I managed to kill all the babies but never saw the mom again. I didn't sleep for a week.

Lol! That's really funny!! I don't mind spiders just as long as I don't find them in or on my bed. We rarely get poisonous spiders up here in Maine. If I see them in the house I usually leave them alone or move them outside.
I did have a pet spider once. I found a baby trantula walking around on my grandfathers kitchen ceiling in CA and I brought her home. I named her Harriet and she lived for almost 7 years
One time i saw a wolf spider in my room so i sprayed it with hair spray because that's supposed to kill them, but instead it just exploded babies and then ran under my bed. I managed to kill all the babies but never saw the mom again. I didn't sleep for a week.

Explosion is right. Great parenting, especially for an insect (?) (Arachnid). I found one, once in a dog's water bowl. The mom was struggling to get out, while all the babies were just chillin on her back. That memory has never left, as vivid as day one.
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