They FINALLY started hatching!

The babies are adorable! Veiled babies are some of the cuties babies ever. :D How's the little one doing with the prolaps?
Its still like that, but it hasnt dried up as I've been putting KY Jelly on it every time I come and check on the little ones. My vet left on vacation and around here there are no other vets I know of that know about chameleons (there are a few exotic pet vets, but they were amazed when I brought Enano in once because they hadn't seen one before). So idk what else to do with the little one. There is also one that hasnt opened his eyes. Idk how he has managed. The rest are doing well though. Thanks for asking Jann :)

As of now, there are 18 in my baby nursery, one almost completely out, and a bunch other eggs sweating.
How long could eggs sweat before they hatch?
Aright Jann, I found the post and if it doesnt go back in, then I'll make an appointment. Thank you!

I'll keep the one with the closed eyes outside also
Thank you! Im doing all I can for the little ones. It doesn't look good for the one that hasnt opened its eyes.. Im pretty sure its blind.

If you are able to force feed and get plenty of natural UVB that's about the only thing I can think of to do for him.
I've been force feeding him some FFs and getting him outside a bit..Its so hot though, yesterday my thermometer read 110. I stay in the shade with him.
I've been force feeding him some FFs and getting him outside a bit..Its so hot though, yesterday my thermometer read 110. I stay in the shade with him.

Do you have any trees in your yard? When Elly first hatched (my preemie) I had to keep her under a row of palm trees in the backyard and keep her well misted. It was Oct. then but if you can get him out a few hours in the morning a a couple more in the evening that might help.
I have just one tree but the thing is I cant stay outside with him for hours outside. And of course I cant leave it alone. the only thing would be to put it in my outside cage, but its huge for him and I'd never find him.
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