The Dreaded Box of...........

That is awesome that Jon got you started with dubia's.
I never thought I would do it...let alone handle them without tongs. Now I just reach in and grab what I want with my hand. You will do it to before you know it. You'll find it is much to hard to catch then with tongs and the hands you can get just what you want. :)
Why were your crickets escaping? Okay, I live in San Diego, but I bet you can take the bin outside every day to transfer them from the bin to the cups....I do all my "open bin" things outside.
Going? By now you are likely an expert!
haha.. no one is eating them damnit! i have all these dubias, and no one wnts them!
That is awesome that Jon got you started with dubia's.
I never thought I would do it...let alone handle them without tongs. Now I just reach in and grab what I want with my hand. You will do it to before you know it. You'll find it is much to hard to catch then with tongs and the hands you can get just what you want. :)
for now, i just pick up pieces of cardboard and shake them into my dusting cup. no touching required!
Why were your crickets escaping? Okay, I live in San Diego, but I bet you can take the bin outside every day to transfer them from the bin to the cups....I do all my "open bin" things outside.
the crickets were escaping because they can climb rubbermaid bins, and the lid apparently did not seal well enough for them tonot be able to get out.

so i put some bondage tape around the inside, glued it on, and now they cant climb over the tape. i could leave my lid off and they cant get out. happy days.
im still keeping crickets since no one is in love with dubias yet, and because glacier wont eat them.
That's just a sad joke that after all you have been through, your chams won't eat the roaches :D I've never tried them - am scared to death of them - but would think that the dustbuster trick would work with the smaller ones. Just suck them up and drop them into the feeder cup. Maybe if you mashed up a cricket and spread cricket bits on the roaches then your chams would take a liking to them??? Yes, we just took a gross idea and upped it making it truly disgusting, sorry. Just an idea, hope it helps :eek:

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