Teaching to Cup Feed


New Member
I was wondering how easy it is to teach a cham that has eaten free range it's whole life to cup feed. I have a 1 1/2 year old panther, who i have ha for about 2 1/2 weeks now. I will wait a little while longer cause he still isn'y completely settled in, but I am away alot on weekends and my other family memebers feed him. It would be alot easier on them to cup feed him.
PS Can I have it so I cup feed certain prey items and free range others?
He will get used to cup feeding- after some time he will realise that the food appears in the same area and as you get the cup in, he will know.
And yes, it is possible to let some food in the cup while the rest can be in the enclosure but the crickets tend to bite chameleons in the night, so you have to think about this...
Crickets are his least favorite feeder, so I don't feed too many too often. I would probably have all feeders except crickets in the cup. He likes to hand feed also (which is fun!)It is just so much easier to cup feed the worms DO NOT coperate when I try and put them on the screen. :)
Thanks for the help
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