Tail curled in the day


New Member
Hi all!
I was wondering if you could put my mind at ease?
My female panther (9 months) has just been put in her new Reptibreeze cage XL, and she mostly seems to be loving the room and space she has now. I have at the moment a 4ft fake ficus tree in there, some branches are a little flimsy, but it is quite a bit of foliage! Can hardly find he sometimes! She is eating fine, pooping fine and doesn't appear dehydrated, so I assume she is drinking fine too. But she does have a tendency to hide where the light is less and curl her tail right the way up. By what I've seen she isn't sleeping, just dark and curled up. Is there something wrong? Is she cold? Basking temp is 28-30 and bottom cage temp (ambient) is 19-21.

She tends to curl up like this in the middle of the tree.
My question is: is this ok? Is she cold? Is she sad? Is she chilling? Or balancing?
If someone could reply, I'd be grateful! Hope this makes sense! I've added a picture of her cage too.

Her cage:

This is Yzma basking with some locusts!! :) :
She may still be adjusting to her new territory. IMHO, if she was cold she'd probably spend more time basking, not sitting in the middle area of her foliage. If she was sick she would not be eating or drinking. At that age there's a chance she is gravid with a clutch of infertile eggs. Sitting with tail curled up isn't a problem, it may just be her preference. I've had chams who tended to curl up their tails more often (maybe they were neatniks) and others who seemed to forget they even owned such an attachment (left theirs draped loosely around whatever was handy). I think she's just chilling out.
My male panther does this too and it worries me so much. He goes to the lowest branch in the enclosure sometimes and sits there with his tail curled up. He only curls his tail in that spot or when he's sleeping. He's not always down there, he's active and eats like a champ, but it still worries me.
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