Switching feeder?

Hey guys! My male ambilobe is 4 months old and is super healthy. He is almost 7.5 inches from head to the tip of his tail. I have had him for two weeks now, but have only been able to feed him crickets. He was raised on crickets, but I need to switch him to other feeders. I have been putting micro super worms in his cup, and he is not eating them(I didn't expect him to). I really need tips and advice for ditching him to another feeder! Thanks.
They may just not wiggle enough to trigger the eating response when in the bowl. If you hold a superworm by the tail, it will start to wiggle and "spin" and that may be enough movement to peak your cham's interest.

There are a plethora of feeder items out there that your little guy might enjoy. Take a look at the attached link and go from there. Most/some of them are available at your local pet shop, while others can be ordered from on-line bug retailers.


Additionally, there are posts on this site that list other feeders that are suitable that you might try. Do a search for feeders and go from there. Let us know......
They may just not wiggle enough to trigger the eating response when in the bowl. If you hold a superworm by the tail, it will start to wiggle and "spin" and that may be enough movement to peak your cham's interest.
Thanks. I have done that and they have wiggled like crazy. He still hasn't eaten them. I also filled a cup with about 40 of them hoping they would trigger a response, but it didn't. Any thoughts?
My cham is not a superworm fan at all. He will eventually eat them, but only under duress. Your cham may just not be a superworm kind of guy.

If you have not done a lot of handfeeding, your cham may be nervous to take a superworm from you especially as it's a novel food for him. Try hand feeding crickets instead, to make sure he will take those from you. You can also try the "sandwich" method: offer him a cricket from your hand, then follow it up with superworm. If he takes that, follow it up with another cricket. You're basically teaching him that superworms are as good to eat as crickets! It's the only way I got my guy to eat them. Note: if you don't follow the yucky superworm up with a tasty cricket, it's possible your cham will start to refuse to take food from you at all.

You could also try a different feeder; you can get tiny silkworms or hornworms and try those. My cham likes both. His absolute favourite, though, is anything that flies. I pupate blue bottle fly maggots, waxworms, silkworms, and black soldier fly larvae (aka phoenix worms aka calci-worms) and he goes nuts for the adult fluttering forms.
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