I already posted this in general discussions now I'll post it here. I need some advice on this issue. Thanks.
I noticed yesterday evening that My Chameleon was closing his eyes during the day. I learned this morning that that is a bad thing and means its stressed or something is wrong. I'm not even sure what type of Chameleon he or she is yet. The pet shop owner said it was a Graceful but I'm not sure now having looked at pictures of Graceful's online. I have pictures now if you do a search for Wally you should find his picture as well as the picture of his home. I"m going to give all the information about his husbandry now as was requested and possibly somebody could help. Temp ranges right now without any lights on about 72-74. I thought I needed to leave his light on at night to help keep him warm but maybe that wasn't such a good idea now I'm not sure. I did notice at night he would get lower in his aquarium on a plant I have in there. Humidity is about 62 in the aquarium right now maybe it should be higher? I have an 150 Watt heat bulb, and a 120 volt uvb bulb. The uvb bulb is one of those new convoluted energy saving bulbs the ones that are built all wrapped around each other. I read in the threads that this bulb is not a good bulb for providing the uvb that a chameleon needs. Perhaps that could be part of the problem? I mist about three or four times a day and have observed Wally drink and he seems to eat well on crickets. I'm not gut-loading the crickets yet though I am thinking about it. Any help on this issue would be very appreciated. Thank you very much.
I noticed yesterday evening that My Chameleon was closing his eyes during the day. I learned this morning that that is a bad thing and means its stressed or something is wrong. I'm not even sure what type of Chameleon he or she is yet. The pet shop owner said it was a Graceful but I'm not sure now having looked at pictures of Graceful's online. I have pictures now if you do a search for Wally you should find his picture as well as the picture of his home. I"m going to give all the information about his husbandry now as was requested and possibly somebody could help. Temp ranges right now without any lights on about 72-74. I thought I needed to leave his light on at night to help keep him warm but maybe that wasn't such a good idea now I'm not sure. I did notice at night he would get lower in his aquarium on a plant I have in there. Humidity is about 62 in the aquarium right now maybe it should be higher? I have an 150 Watt heat bulb, and a 120 volt uvb bulb. The uvb bulb is one of those new convoluted energy saving bulbs the ones that are built all wrapped around each other. I read in the threads that this bulb is not a good bulb for providing the uvb that a chameleon needs. Perhaps that could be part of the problem? I mist about three or four times a day and have observed Wally drink and he seems to eat well on crickets. I'm not gut-loading the crickets yet though I am thinking about it. Any help on this issue would be very appreciated. Thank you very much.