Strange bumps/lumps on my 4 year Panther Chameleon

Hi, my 4 year old Panther Chameleon ‘Vinci’ who just went through a shed has 3 lumps/bumps on his spine and side. I have owned several Chams before and never had this happen. Thank you in advance for any advice!
happenhappen.tth Thankhapp


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Papilloma is a relatively harmless, yet spreadable warty growth. Your vet can take a biopsy to determine if that’s what those are. Unfortunately, there is no treatment other than removing them and there is a good chance that they’ll grow back. Those are some pretty big lumps though and while papillomas can indeed grow large, I wonder if there’s more going on there. Do let us know what the vet finds. :)
Papilloma is a relatively harmless, yet spreadable warty growth. Your vet can take a biopsy to determine if that’s what those are. Unfortunately, there is no treatment other than removing them and there is a good chance that they’ll grow back. Those are some pretty big lumps though and while papillomas can indeed grow large, I wonder if there’s more going on there. Do let us know what the vet finds. :)
Thank you! I have never experienced this! He is eating well, has a mister, large vertical ventilated enclosure, and full spectrum lights. I have successfully had Chameleon’s before. I do notice though he is drinking lots of water, which also surprises me, he loves hornworms which are hydrating. He loves his crickets, I always gut load them. He does not like Dubai roaches or mealworms, he did like silkworms for a while ( I even raised these) but now no. We shall see what the vet says!! Frustrating!! Thank you for caring😊
Thank you! I have never experienced this! He is eating well, has a mister, large vertical ventilated enclosure, and full spectrum lights. I have successfully had Chameleon’s before. I do notice though he is drinking lots of water, which also surprises me, he loves hornworms which are hydrating. He loves his crickets, I always gut load them. He does not like Dubai roaches or mealworms, he did like silkworms for a while ( I even raised these) but now no. We shall see what the vet says!! Frustrating!! Thank you for caring😊
Since you’re already going to the vet, you might want to take a fresh poo for a parasite check. Often drinking lots and picky or changing appetites can be from a parasite.
Thank you for sending that link. I took Vinci to a reptile vet, they did a needle aspiration on two of the lumps and found pus in them. So it was determined that those are cysts and he has an infection. So now I have to do intramuscular injections of Ceftazidime every 72 hours…. I am used to giving injections to mammals but not reptiles, great😟
Here’s how you do needles…

They lack the loop of Henle so it’s important to give them the shots in the area she shows you…NOT in the rear legs or end/half of the body nearest to the tail.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! It was very informative!! Today they gave Vinci his first shot to show me how, and they gave it in his HIND leg. After watching and reading some posts…that is absolutely wrong! Thanks again😊
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! It was very informative!! Today they gave Vinci his first shot to show me how, and they gave it in his HIND leg. After watching and reading some posts…that is absolutely wrong! Thanks again😊

I sure wish you would have seen Dr. Dayna. She would have know how to give injections and if he even needs antibiotics. I’m not so sure those bumps are infections.
I’m not a vet and speak from experience and what I’ve learned over many years of chameleon keeping.

Even if they are infections, the antibiotics won’t likely get rid of it because chameleon pus is thick like cottage cheese and the antibiotic won’t penetrate it and kill it off. Each bump will have to be cleaned out and flushed and tested to determine what antibiotic will work to get rid of any remaining bacteria.
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