South American Chameleons?


New Member
Hey guys my dad and I were wondering if there is such a specie of chameleons that are native to South or Central America? Just for curiosity to know if there is another place other than Africa and Madagascar with chameleons! Very interesting topic! Let me know what you know or think!

There are some as far as India and Europe but mostly just Africa. I'm not an expert though.
Hey guys my dad and I were wondering if there is such a specie of chameleons that are native to South or Central America? Just for curiosity to know if there is another place other than Africa and Madagascar with chameleons! Very interesting topic! Let me know what you know or think!


Hi, all true chameleons are from the old world. Primarily Africa and Madagascar, with some species extending in the Mediterranean region and near east.
Hey guys my dad and I were wondering if there is such a specie of chameleons that are native to South or Central America? Just for curiosity to know if there is another place other than Africa and Madagascar with chameleons! Very interesting topic! Let me know what you know or think!


There are what locals call chameleons in La sierra de la Macarena in Colombia, but they are just regular lizards. I'm sure none of them have seen an actual chameleon in their life, so any accounts from them I'd consider to be false. My friend, who is working for a tour company in Colombia, sent me a picture of what they called chameleons, so I was able to see that it wasnt one at all.
i used to live in guatemala for a couple years. the weather and jungles look like perfect habitat. i know people do keep them over there. possibly some escaped colonies in some places??? as for native chameleons i doubt it. it would be cool if there were some tho!!! :D
Man that would be so sweet if there was Chameleons native to South and Central Africa, I would be so down to go Herpin
Negative. Unless they were introduced by man somewhere besides Madagascar, Africa, small locales in southern Europe into the middle east and as far as India and Sri Lanka.
lol right plus, theres familey down there would be supper fun, might stumble acroos some old ruins or something, who knows
Growing up in Trinidad (small island off the cost of South America). Everyone used to call a local lizard a Chameleon or "24 hours". But it's just a type of Anole! But no True Chams on our (america) side of the world, unless escaped .

Fun fact: The "24 hours" name came about because they though that if it were to jump onto you, it would be stuck on you for 24 hours. lol . Pretty funny looking back at it now.
Hey, if chameleons' habitats in madagascar are dwindling, why not let a bunch of panthers go in latin american / south american rain forests, I realize it would affect the natural ecosystems, but hey, how awesome would it be if they flourished :D
No it would not. If you want to know why, just come down to FL and go herping in Miami. It's all cool until a tegu eats your dog!
Hey guys my dad and I were wondering if there is such a specie of chameleons that are native to South or Central America? Just for curiosity to know if there is another place other than Africa and Madagascar with chameleons! Very interesting topic! Let me know what you know or think!

Give it a hundred years or so they will be introduced and have stable breeding population's as they do in Florida.
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