Something magical is happening in my feeder dish


When I went to bed, there were ZERO dubias in Heisenberg's feeder dish. (There were some in there over the course of the past week and when it became clear he wasn't eating the remaining four, out they went. Mercy killing.)

Then, a few mornings later: there was one in the dish, and then the next morning: THERE WERE FIVE.

I have not put new dubias in his cage in more than a week. The feeder dish is an unbroken, clean like new, almost three-inch high tupperware dish attached to the screen, with nothing else in it.

WHat in the world is going on? Is it possible they were in the trees of the cage and fell in? I thought dubias can't climb? How are they appearing in the dish?!! I don't see any in the rest of the cage! very strange...
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I have the same thing. They can hide so well sometimes. I will wash the cage and clean it but somehow i put it back in and there are like 4.
I have seen my chams shoot one, and then drop it - and it runs off into the cage- ( but I STAB everyone before I put it in there - I am so scared one will get out :eek: ) but, I have found Isopods " magically " appear in the Jax food dish - they fall off the vines at night ;)
This happens to me too sometimes. I think the scent of the roaches gets on the bowl and attracts loose roaches from the potted plants.
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