Hey, I am pretty new to chams, I had one for a while that I got from my older brother, he didn't take care of it as he should have, and I kept the same setup as him, so the veiled cham that I had drowned in his water dish
. I have a few anoles and a long tailed grass lizard in a 190 gallon viv. Here are some of my questions that I would love to get answered. Do pigmy chams stay on the ground alot? I have 1 plant that is about 24 inches tall and I have a plant that is about 16 inches tall, and I have random smaller plants in the tank also. Do pigmy's eat fruit flies? I have lots of fruit flies and I can make more cultures if I need more.( I have poison dart frogs so I have the fruit flies anyway) Or do I need to have crickets? I already feed crickets to my anoles and long tailed lizard. What temps and humidity do pigmy's need? I was just wondering if a pigmy would be a good tank mate for my lizards. If they arn't can you guys give me advise what would be a good tank mate for them?
Thanks, Curt
Thanks, Curt