Some questions about what worms to feed


I want to start introducing some worms into my 6mo old panther Snodgrass's diet. I have a couple questions.

Whats the best worm, nutritionally, to feed to a panther cham?

Should I dust with calcium?

Can I feed the same gut load that I feed my crickets?

The local reptile store only has large super worms, they aren't wider than the space between his eyes but should I be concerned with how long they are? They are kinda big.

A variety is always best. IMO silkworms are the best feeder worm. Supers would be ok to add as a variety.
Can silk worms eat/live off of the same stuff I'm gut loading my crickets with? Or do they need special food? Do they need to be dusted with calcium?
IMO silkworms do not need to be dusted, but there are probably many people who dust them here. They do need special food, they either need fresh mulberry leaves or silkworm chow. They are very sensitive to germs when fresh from the egg as they have no immune system.
silkworms are a good choice. You can gutload with mulberry leaves, a purchased chow that has a mulberry base, dandelion leaves, thin shaved carrot, etc. 50% of their diet should be mulberry based food.

butterworms are another good choice. gutload with squash etc. - many of the same things crickets eat.

superworms are okay, gutload like this:

more info:

if the length of the feeder isn't more than about twice the length of your chams head, go for it.
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