Some of my species

What exactly did you use to seal all the MDF? And what did you use for the texture of the walls, all silicone?

I´m using a product called "knauf", to seal the MDF. Its a product you use in bathrooms floors. Im sure you have a similar product in your country.

The texture on th walls are made from another "bathroom" product called alfix. They use it to glue tiles to the wals. You mix it up with water (and in this case add colour) and lubricate it on to the walls.

The reason why I do it this way, is because I need a light background colour, so the cages are as light as possible. I hope the moss will cover most of the walls in the most humid cages.
Just saw this thread, your enclosures look great! Do you use traditional organic potting soil, or a blend? I've found certain plants of mine do well for about a year or so and suddenly die off, and think soil likely has had an effect.
Here are a few more pictures :)
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Rieppeleon kerstenii


Rieppeleon brevicaudatus


Kinyongia boehmei


Trioceros fuelleborni enclosure

*Puts Niels down on my list of people to ask to build a giant enclosure for me to live in, along with Jon and Hydrophyte*
Absolutely remarkable, If you wake up one day and all those enclosures are gone....................It wasnt Me :p
Ok, those are just cute. Some time in the future I may have to try these little bities. Just an awesome setup.:)
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