Some of amy's animals..

Hello to all and thank you for the wonderful comments... :eek: I don't have internet during the weekend so this is why my reply is so late. Unfortuneatley due to the heat wave that struck last week, I lost the quadricornis... :(:mad::( I was however able to pack everyone else up and bring them to work with me, where it was a nice 69 degrees for them.

Fabian, you are right, your'e babies are little pigs..:p Harley (xanth) is now up to six grams :eek:

Syn, I have Gargoyles :D

Royden can you post a photo or two of Marble or are they unavailable because of the magaizine rights?

Cainschams...picked up my paradalis this weekend. :D see

Royden, thanks again for the photos they are wonderful as always. :cool:
Hello to all and thank you for the wonderful comments... :eek: I don't have internet during the weekend so this is why my reply is so late. Unfortuneatley due to the heat wave that struck last week, I lost the quadricornis... :(:mad::( I was however able to pack everyone else up and bring them to work with me, where it was a nice 69 degrees for them.

Fabian, you are right, your'e babies are little pigs..:p Harley (xanth) is now up to six grams :eek:

Syn, I have Gargoyles :D

Royden can you post a photo or two of Marble or are they unavailable because of the magaizine rights?

Cainschams...picked up my paradalis this weekend. :D see

Royden, thanks again for the photos they are wonderful as always. :cool:

Just saw this thread (I've been AWOL all weekend...) and what awesome pics (again) Royden! Just plain awesome.... Excellent chams Amy - can't wait to see them in October! Oooh, and I love gargoyles..... a couple of them may have to work their way into my pocket before I leave... lol :)

So sorry to hear about your quad. :( I was wandering how all of you out there were faring with your record-setting heat wave.
eisentrauti, I literally have no other good ones. I sent amy an email and said "ah I jacked up that shoot, I didn't get enough photos, I want to come back", and she responded that the quad died that day. What a bummer. It was unbearable here in Seattle last week. I know there were other pet casualities (as well as humans). Seattle is not equiped for temperatures like that.

I can't post the gargoyle's right now because of ownership stuff. I don't want to displease clients. I will get a copy to you soon though Amy. They turned out great.

Thanks again everyone! It's these superbly designed animals that make such great subjects.
I know it ;) But T.eisentrauti is one of the rarest chameleon species - so I probably never get one :( (unless I travel there and search ... :cool:)

I am so sorry to hear about Duke, Josh told me when you called what had happened. He was one of my favorites and was the only male that would eat out of my hand. At least you have the great pictures of him, he was gorgeous. The pictures and the video of him eating on the forum will be around so you will be able to remember him. Glad to hear that your other little ones survived. We all unfortunately lose some, even the greatest keepers can't keep nature at bay.

Fabulous photos, Royden. SOMEDAY we will kidnap you, throw you (and all your equipment) in the trunk, and drive you down to our place in Graham! :D

Amy, it was great to see you again. So sorry about your beautiful Quad. We are having an unusually hot summer for Western Washington. Record breaking temperatures. And several times the temps went well above what the forecasters had predicted.

We had not seen this thread before today, and so didn't even know you had all these gorgeous creatures, Amy. What a wonderful collection you are starting. :)
I do plan to visit you one day Sandy! My chameleon and photography hobbies take enough time away from my wife that it's hard to ask for more.

But we will do it soon.

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