So I've took him to the vet today...

thanks for the reply! I guess I'll try to hold him down tonight when I get home from work. I really hope that is the case.

He's only 3 inches atm, but I will get him a bigger cage very soon. Unfortunately the pet shops around my area don't sell any mesh cage, they only have those glassy type of terrarium.

So when I do wash his eyes, do I drop water on the opening or just around the lids?

Around the lids probably. If they are in direct contact it could hurt me.
okay..something else came up this morning before I left for work. As usual the lights turn on automatically at 7:30am, and I went to brush up etc etc. When I got back, I see both his eyes are closed and his mouth opened up half-way. And when he sees me he closes his mouth. That's a first time I see him do this. Is that a sign of URI?
Hi, my thermoeter is one of those digital ones. He was under the basking light when he did that. The temperature at basking spot is around 33 degree celcius.
okay, I think I found something else as well. While my cham has his eyes bulging, I notice the lower eye lids have this purple-ish patch. What is it??
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