small white lump


New Member
my veiled cham recently developed a white lump on his left front leg and it seems to be slowly getting bigger.he shed about two weeks ago and he was fine but now that its not going im getting a little worried...if u need to know anything about his enclosure just ask..i would really appreciate ur comments
heres a pic but its not the best


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Could be an infection or it could be gout...or maybe even something else. A vet should be able to tell you.
same/similar problem

Sorry I know this post is 3 yrs old now but i was wondering what the outcome was of the small white lump as my 10 month old veiled has a tiny one on his tail. Its been there for about 4 days, doesnt seem to be bothering him and seems to be going a darker yellowy colour. It only about the size of a pinhead and looks like a normal bump on his skin but enlarged. Would be very grateful if you maybe able to shed some light on that for me! thanks.
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