Sleeping with tail uncurled?


New Member
Last night I checked on my lil 4 mo old panther, and he was sleeping, but had his tail hanging down straight instead of curled up like normal!

I turned on his cool mist humidifier to drop the temp, thinking it might be too warm in there... (The vet recently told me to keep his nighttime temp up because of a breathing issue)

Any other ideas as to what that uncurled tail sleeping position could mean? Pretty weird, right?
MY 10month male veiled does this from time to time. sometimes he will also curl the last 2 inches and keep the rest straight, looks funny.
From what I believe, the tail coiling up is for better balance. This often happens while sleeping. Thus, would allow a lower center of gravity enabling them to sustain stability while at rest.
My guys always have there tails curled, and my panther likes to wedge himself into branches, in a way that it cups himself, sorta.. its rare for me to find him sleeping in the "lone" branch
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