Skin Issue Around Eye


New Member
The area I'm concerned with is now a white color. It was black at first and was pretty sure it was a burn/bruise. Not really sure what to think now. Any ideas?


my cham has the same thing on one eye same place..i think it is burn as well.

ouchie! its been there for a while now, and it just turned white after a shed. How long do you think its going to take to heal properly?
ouchie! its been there for a while now, and it just turned white after a shed. How long do you think its going to take to heal properly?

not sure , mine still looks like the pics above, Zulu hasnt shed for the lognest:(
it will come, how old is your little guy?

almost 10 months, he was hatched in the middle of June Liddy told me.

still has swollen eye, tongue, and appetite problem

but the tongue distance is longer now, but still cant go all the way, it lookes like he shoots and it gets stuck or cut off by something and rettracts it back
almost 10 months, he was hatched in the middle of June Liddy told me.

still has swollen eye, tongue, and appetite problem

but the tongue distance is longer now, but still cant go all the way, it lookes like he shoots and it gets stuck or cut off by something and rettracts it back

aww. did you figure out what went wrong?
aww. did you figure out what went wrong?

not yet...he is not getting worse, but not really getting better...and still need to take him to the vet to find out whats far i ve been putting him outside whenever i can.
not yet...he is not getting worse, but not really getting better...and still need to take him to the vet to find out whats far i ve been putting him outside whenever i can.

same here, but it keeps raining where i live. this rain is just not normal.
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