Should I switch up his diet?


New Member
Hi, im new to the forum and about a week ago I got a 4 month old panther chameleon. I'v done a lot of research but still am a novice in this awesome hobby and I need to know how old my panther cham should be to start switching up his diet if that is even my problem or if i have one to begin with. I'm just worried about my cham, want him to have a long happy life.

HOUSING: He is in a 16x16x30 screen cage with a pothos plant and other plastic leafs along with a dripping system.

LIGHTING: 40 watt heat bulb and 5.0 uvb bulb both from zoomed, basking temp is 82-89 (room temp 72-77)

I have a MistKing programed to go off 4x a day for 1 min, humidity goes from 80 down to 50-45

He's been eating 1/4 inch crickets lightly dust with cal w/o d3/phos every feeding and cal with d3 2x a month along with multi vitamins 2x a month. I'm in collage so my life is pretty busy but I give my cham the time he needs, its just that i throw 10 crickets in his cup with a cabob stick (no pointed edge) hanging out of it so the crickets can slowly come out. I'v seen him eat and the most I'v seen him eat was 8 crickets but i had to leave for my classes.
I'm asking this question because he's not really interested or going after the crickets but he's shooting his tongue at random water droplets, I don't know if thats another way for them to drink (I really don't think so) or if he thinks its another type of bug.

Will appreciate any response thanks^^;


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I would try bigger crickest. at 4 months he can probably handle the smalls, roughly half inch i think.

and some will slowly lick the water, like a loly pop off leaves, but others will shoot the tongue at watter no worries on that.

congrats hes relaly cute.
Hi and welcome.. What do you mean when you say "switch his diet"? To what?:)
Crickets are consider a staple diet for chams kept in captivity, if you have the chance to had something else to it for a change every once in a while it will be good, but not necessary. Make sure you gut load well. 8 crickets a day is good, mine never ate that much at that age, every chameleon is different thou, remember, if they're healthy they won't let themselves starve!:)
Shooting their tongue to drops of water.. Don't know if is common or unusual, but I have seen my chameleon do the same few times.:)
Its never to early to start giving him other feeders. You could give him butterworms, small silkworms, reptiworms, small dubias.
Thanks for the responses!! Im at ease now lol. Yea I gut load the crickets with carrots, oranges, apples, grapes, and greens. They tend to tear up the oranges and greens the most and nibble on the carrots, dont really touch anything else tho
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