Should I mist my Veiled chameleon when when I mist him?

I have a veild chameleon and he hates it when I mist his cage but i want to get a automatic misting sistem soon but I dont want him to get to stressed by it so my idea was to not care if I mist him. So I mist him but "pretend" he is not there and just keep misting, to see is he will get used to it
I mist all mine directly when I randomly mist them. I pretend it was an unexpected rain shower like in the wild. :rolleyes:Lol sometimes they like it sometimes they hate it but there is no harm. Just make sure to use warm water.
You might also try misting from the top if you can reach. Misting from the top through the screen causes the water to collect on the screen a bit before falling in fatter drops, more like rain. My guy still wasn't pleased, but reacted better to it. With his misting system now, I have a rain nozzle set on the top that does the same thing.
And, if the cage has enough foliage he can find a spot to sit where the drops don't bother as much. He'll get used to it... rain happens in life ;)
I would suggest not letting him/her see you when misting. You don't want the cham to think you are the one coming in and spraying it in the face. I'd say the automatic mister will be good as it acts like a random rain storm.
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