Panther poos when I take him out


New Member
When I first got him he didn’t poop for 6 days, and he seems to hate dumping in his enclosure, but if he comes out then as soon as he gets a moment to ‘sit’ for a few moments (either on my hand or on an object) he pops one out.

Anyone know why?

Can he be ‘house trained’ to keep it in the enclosure..?
Hahaha! Congrats! That makes keeping his enclosure clean and sanitary so much easier! My panther is the same way too. Once a week he hangs out by his door and if I take too long he paws at it. I let him out on his stick and he poops. He wont go back in his enclosure and he won't go on his free range until after he poops on his 'pooping stick'. Pretty funny. Sounds like your boy just has very strange preferences just like mine. Take pics and enjoy it because I've never heard of another cham doing that.
Sorry to find this funny, but it is. 😂 😂😂 You have a very smart guy! While it can be messy, at least you’re aware and can try to prepare for it. Keep a roll of paper towels by his enclosure. It also will make getting a fecal sample for parasite testing super easy. I haven’t heard of anyone potty training a chameleon, but they do seem to have their particular areas where they poo.
Here’s some pics of my lovely little weird-o. I usually have him poop in a bag, over the trash can or over a bunch of paper towels.


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