

New Member
Sorry to bother again...... but i have a question about shedding. Since i got Tarzan, my jackson's cham, ive seen that he hasnt shed a bit.... on wat ive heard, baby chams in between 3-6 months shed their skin every few weeks.. as they are growing rapidly... but i dunno, maybe im just worrying alot... thanks for your time :) any information would help :eek: Thank You.
Sometimes they she's just a small portion of their body like a leg. My jackson would just shed here and there. I'm no expert though so someone with more knowledge on the subject should chime in soon! Wish I was more help!
Sorry to bother again...... but i have a question about shedding. Since i got Tarzan, my jackson's cham, ive seen that he hasnt shed a bit.... on wat ive heard, baby chams in between 3-6 months shed their skin every few weeks.. as they are growing rapidly... but i dunno, maybe im just worrying alot... thanks for your time :) any information would help :eek: Thank You.

Don't worry too much about it. The chameleon will shed! Just make sure all the requirements of its habitat (lightning, humidity, etc.) are met, and that Tarzan is eating and drinking daily. As your cham grows, it will shed its scaly skin. ;)

Ok, so i have to wait and see... But for an estimation, when do you think that he will start shedding? I really need to take precautions on sheds stuck on skin...
Ok, so i have to wait and see... But for an estimation, when do you think that he will start shedding? I really need to take precautions on sheds stuck on skin...

Well, it it depends if he shed just before arriving at your place, and his age. Like you said, the younger they are the more often they will shed. Just MAKE sure the humidity levels are at 60% at the very least. Once he is ready to shed, humidity helps him get rid of the flaky scaly skin. There are some products out there designed to help reptiles with shedding their skin, but you wont really needed if the enclosure you have him in has the requirements met. live plants help me keep humidity levels up. You should try having (chameleon safe) plants in the enclosure, if you don't already have one. I also have an automated misting system (more conveniently watering the plant, keeping my chameleon hydrated, and keeping humidity up. --Unless you have time to mist your cham every 4 hours or so, you should invest in one.
Humidity Stimulations?

So yeah, ive heard also that taking your chameleon to your shower and turning it on, will stimulate the chameleons hydrating senses,and taking him back to drinking, because hes got sunken eyes... im worrying about humidity because i provide him with alot of water for him to drink but he wont budge..
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