Shedding Slowly


New Member
Is it normal for the chameleon to shed slowly? I am talking about a few days. I know my daughter's geckos shed within a day and I was curious about the fact that Draco seems to take 3-5 days or more to shed the old skin. This is only the second time he has shed since I have gotten him. Please tell me if this is normal or not. Thanks! :)
then thats normal.

Adults can take days to shed, and dont always shed their whole body at once.

one day its a foot, then another its their tail..
Oh that's good to hear.

I am a bit concerned that the skin is holding onto the center of his body and has been for a least 2 days. He top half has peeled away, but the bottom half is showing no signs of peeling. So there it hangs on the middle of his body.
try upping mistings, humidty, and warm showers..
but as long as it isnt cutting circulation off, youre good.
I would mist more just in case. All the adult chameleons I have ever had don't take more than 2-5 hours to do a full body shed, even to this day. Not all chameleons will do this, but increasing humidity a bit and providing more water will definitely help speed things up. I provide long misting sessions regularly and it really does help.
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