She only mists once a day?


New Member
Hey, so I have a friend that bought a juvenile veiled chameleon a few months ago.
She only mists him once a day with the dripper left on all day but he's a healthy little guy, that eats, drinks and explores.
Humidity is always 60-70.

Soo.. Is it okay that she only mists once?
I mist mine three times a day as I was told that was the best thing to do? Who's doing it wrong?

Thank you!
If humidity is fine and using dripper than a Veiled can be ok with one misting a day. I hope it's long enough for him to flush his eyes. You can both be right.
Yes I agree that for a veiled, this is okay to mist once a day - provided there is a dripper AND LIVE PLANTS. Live plants will keep humidity up and ensure moisture stays around for longer, especially if only misting once a day. It also depends how long and thorough the misting is - tell her it is okay to mist once a day but make sure to form water droplets on all the leaves and also the screening.

Of course, misting 2-3 times per day would be better. Even increasing mistings to once in the morning and once in the early evening (a few hours before lights out) will be beneficial.
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