she bit the crap out of me.....

oh my gosh, that is insane! I can't imagine a little chameleon doing that! 5 stiches is quite the accomplishment. You should post a picture of the one that did it to you.

Now I'm really scared to put my hand in the cage.
I thought that photo was a joke at first! Nasty wound that. I have been keeping chameleons for 8 years and have only been bitten once, on one occasion only by my late female flap-neck chameleon. She bit and then quickly let go so no damage done to me.
this seriously answers a question I had in the back of my mind about my grumpy panther....he can bite HARD !

Just yesterday I held my hand close to him (4inches) while his mouth was open to see if hed get use to me and moved a little closer and he opened up even wider and looked really mad...glad I didnt try to test him anymore then that now.
Wow! Nice bite. How big is she? My male panther bit me the other day and broke the skin, just barely, and i was complaining up a storm all day. I showed my husband where he broke the skin and left a mark and he said "where is it?" After looking at yours i really feel like a whimp. I won't be complaining about mine biting me anymore. Did they give you a rabies shot or anything? I wouldn't be cleaning her cage any too soon. Make her clean it herself as a punishment. lol.

nah dont worry about it, my chameleon just wants blood. mines really dosent like me. its ok thou you'll be fine, just wear gloves
Did you bite her back!!!!????!

lol. with your avatar, i imagine your chameleon that said "Did you bite her back?"

anyway, that gash is one nasty looking.
almost the same wound that i have from clumsily opening a can of corn.
(got 5 stitches too).
but, i imagine my veiled will probably do the same nasty bite.
He must have been pissed off.
That kind of wound can only be inflicted when chameleon do a bite shake.

my cham do that once to my towel :D
:eek: lol....omg.... pigskin work gloves for those moody veileds...that looks glad i never tested my female with out em,,.. she hates the world....

celtics won!
oh my god O_O that's awful.

if a chameleon bites you, i've heard, your best bet is not to pull away- less damage if you let them let go themselves. of course, if they shake their heads (mine does this when eating greens,) there isn't much you can do.

cricket has only ever mouthed me once. sometimes he'll go after my hand with open mouth and then stop, shut his mouth, and just stare at me indignantly. i know it's coming one day, though, and i'm sure those puny little teeth won't seem so puny when he does.
Oh yeah, it happens. her teeth are really sharp for some reason. I was just puttin her back in the cage when she fliped out and went to town on my pinky. did not see it coming
this was before stiches

Could a veiled bite have the same effect? My guy lunges at me whenever I try to open up the cage and do whatever. I have never been bit, but it doesn't look like they have teeth even?
Could a veiled bite have the same effect? My guy lunges at me whenever I try to open up the cage and do whatever. I have never been bit, but it doesn't look like they have teeth even?

i say veiled even more so. They are very pissy animals.
The bite itself won't cause that. But, their death bite will.
When a chameleon is supper pissed off, it will bite and shake its head while still latching on the skin of the victim. That's the one that you want to avoid.
Wow my male veiled gets a bit peeved whenever my hand is close to him, but he has never done anything like that. Mostly he butts and hisses but he's generally benign. He has never outright attacked me and I've seen him pretty pissed. He's never actually bitten me. The only time that he might have tried is when he got a small piece of debris in his mouth and I was removing it. I thought he might swallow it, so I removed it from his mouth. Then he bit down as I would expect a cham would in that situation, but he's never taken to biting like that. I have read that female chams are worse for behaviour like that, but I'm no expert. Good luck!
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