Setting up for pygmy's


New Member
Just join this forum to do some more research and you guys seem to know what your talking about. Im going to be setting up a pygmy enclosure for two females, havent decided which but hopefully its going to be green, bearded or kenyan.
I want to get your views on setups for pygmy's, i was looking at a 45x45x60 exo terra and clearly kitting it out with vines and plants. Is 45x45x60 too big for just two pyg's and allthough im going to use repti glo 5.0 light am i going to need a heat matt as well?

Any info is good thanks like i said im doing my research.

start with a bearded pygmy

trust me research is great but its a lot more work than you are going to expect and you want a cham that can handle more mistakes:)
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