seems i have cultivated wax worm moths !


New Member
A bit of waxworm neglect and i now have moths!
Was a bit of a surprise.. A good one tho!
Rocco seems to like them :)
are they any better then a waxworm or should these too be used as treats alone?
Ahh thanks :) do they eat? I have no idea how to keep them alive.and don't fancy setting them free!
Tbh i don't kno how they came to be at Lol
They can eat, if you search the forum you'll find guides on caring for and breeding them, if you fancy setting up a colony! Not really worth it unless you have a few spoiled chameleons though. Silkworms and hornworms on the other hand...
They can eat, if you search the forum you'll find guides on caring for and breeding them, if you fancy setting up a colony! Not really worth it unless you have a few spoiled chameleons though. Silkworms and hornworms on the other hand...

Yeah ill be sure to do that... When Im not due to be awake in five hours Haha..
Iv already got some silkys on the go and he's bloomin spoilt enough without a shed load of Waxworms Haha.. Thanks guys.
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