Rocko looks ashy


Avid Member
For about a month Rocko has looked ashy. I thought he was going to shed but hasn't yet. Any thoughts on why his skin looks like this?


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How long has he been like this? And if you would;

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?
I have seen the same look in my ambilobes. They tend to "dull" out before a shed(sometimes up to a month prior), and since their growth slows down some with age, it seams like they stay "dull" longer. My male "Fonzie" looked just like that for the past month or so and just shed a few days ago. Consider adjusting (increasing) the watering durations during this time to aid in the shedding process.

On a second note... It's not a bad idea at all to fill out the form posted above, to ensure everythings on the right track.

Current Problem - Skin looks ashy

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - 10 mo old Ambilobe How long has it been in your care-7 mo
Handling - only on weekends when I put him on his branch outside the cage
Feeding - he will only eat superworms - at least one a day then 2-3 maybe every other day. I have tried crickets, dubias and have silk worms on order. How are you gut-loading your feeders - collard/mustard greens, yams, oranges, apples, carrots
Supplements - RepCal Calcium no D3 every other day, RepCal Herptivite twice a month, Zoo Med's Reptivite w/D3 twice a month.
Watering - drip systems all day, yes I see him drink,he's not shy. Mist twice a day.
Fecal Description - hasn't pooped in 2 weeks but doesn't eat much right now.
Tested for parasites on 12-28-09 - Negative. The vet did de-worm him anyway. I really don't know why?
History - Rocko has always had a hardy appetite when younger and very laid back.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 36"x36"x21" screen and wood.
Lighting - 24" ReptiSun 5.0 UVB tube light, replaced 12-9-09.
Basking Light - 60 watt bulb
What is your daily lighting schedule 6:30 am to 6:30 pm
Temperature - 85 basking, 72 floor, Lowest overnight temp 72 How do you measure these temps analog thermometer
Humidity - 30-50%?
How are you creating and maintaining these levels? Plants, misting.
What do you use to measure humidity? analog Hydrometer
Plants - Are you using live plants? Yes, Sheffalara
Placement - Where is your cage located? Bedroom
Is it near any fans - run ceiling fan sometimes
air vents - NO
high traffic areas? NO
At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? 5 1/2 feet
Location - Fort Worth, Texas (North Central) close to Oklahoma


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Some of my adult males get the same dull look, usually its only a week before shedding but it has lasted as long as 2 weeks for them before. On a different note I wouldn't not feed him superworms as a staple. I know it seems sorta mean to not feed him for awhile, like a week or so until he accepts other feeders, but that is the only way he will get off superworms. Superworms are high in fat and have alot of chitin. Although you have not expierenced problems with impaction yet it is always a very real possibility when feeding supers that much. Also there is way too much fat in supers to be able to feed him the amount of food he needs without him getting overweight eventually which can lead to a prolapse. Superworms are good as treats but not as a staple. If he knows superworms are off the menu he will eat another type of feeder, he isn't going to let himself starve just because the one feeder item he eats the most isn't there. He will eat other things if supers are not offered, trust me it's in chameleons nature to want to stay alive even if it means eating nasty crickets and silkworms. Good Luck.
Ditto the comments about superworms. You dont want him to live off those. he will eat something else, something better for him, if given no choice. It may take a week or more to convince him you're not going to give in and give him the candy fatty food you've let him get used to.

Those analogue humidity guages are worthless. Get a decent digital. its not like they cost much.
Low humidity can cause shedding issues.
I appreicate the comments on the superworms and getting a digital. However, that still does not address the question I asked. Why does he look ashy?
Does anybody have a reason why other than getting ready to shed? I don't understand, I took the time to complete the form and all I get is superworms not good and get digital gauges. At least comment on my set up and give me your opinion and most of all your thoughts on why Rocko is not his bright, vibrant self. Thank you!
Hmmmm that is unusual.

It could be a lack of vitamin A in the diet. I find adding one or two more LIGHT dustings of a good multi-vitamin helps shedding. Currently it is advised that you dust with a multivitamin only a few times a month, many people do it just once a month. This means your chameleon is having an overload of vitamins, and then a lack of vitamins. Consistency and moderation is key.

I think it is better to dust three or four feeders very LIGHTLY (emphasis on lightly), once a week, twice a week for females.

All you need to do is take out your usual 7-15 feeders (whatever number you use, depending on the insect), and separate 3 of them to dust in the multivitamin.

You might want to add some hydrating oils to your gutload, such as ground/shredded coconut for the coconut oil, or ground flax seed for the omega-3, that might help his skin.

I've had reptiles that will look that way for about 3 weeks or so before shedding also, some could be longer. I would increase the humidity in the room, this works wonders for reptile skin.
There is also a product called shed-aid that is sold by LLLreptile. It is a skin conditioner. I use it every once in awhile when my guys are rubbing everywhere and look really dry. It even helps their skin stay moist before shedding so the opaque dryness is much less noticeable. It's only $3.99 you may want to try that out, usually they start shedding 24hrs after I spray them and rub it n a bit. Other than shedding the only thing would be dehydration and as far as I'm concerned he doesn't look dehydrated one bit and looks very healthy. Sorry I couldn't give you anything besides him shedding but that is what it seems to be.

No not yet. Rocko hasn't pooped since 12-28-09 until 1-23-10 when I put him in a warm shower. He had a BM that was 2 separate parts about 3" long eacg. He did have nice white urates and poop was brown. He also is not eating which means he is not getting his calcium or vitamins. I gave him a 15 min shower this evening and 8,000 I.U. of Vit A. He had nice color in the shower. I plan on showering him every evening.
Although Rocko doesn't appear to have fungus or bacteria on the skin. What do ya'll think about rubbing him down with antiseptic I have from the vet and letting it sit for 10 min and then showering him?
On 1-18-10 I posted that Rocko had looked ashy for a month. After weeks of constant extra mistings, showers, etc. I finally broke down and bought some Zoo Med's Repti Shedding Aid and applied it to Rocko's skin 2 days ago. Today I came home and he is starting to shed. I can't wait to see what's been under that ashy skin for 2 months.


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That's great news! Did you also rub him with antiseptic? <<Just out of curiosity. Also, has he started eating yet?

Post some pics when he's done shedding!!
That's great news! Did you also rub him with antiseptic? <<Just out of curiosity. Also, has he started eating yet?

Post some pics when he's done shedding!!

No I didn't do the antiseptic and he is still stuck on super worms. I gut load them like I would crickets and he only eats 1-2 maybe 3 a day or some days none. I'm thinking it's winter and he's bummed. Spring is right around the corner so he'll be outside more and that might perk him up. I'm going to the Arlington Reptile Show this weekend and maybe I can pick up some yummy bugs for him.
Im glad that's all it was Donna. Seems a rather slowish shed period though. I think its likely the shed-aid stuff dosent actually do all that much but rather the shed was due anyway, coincidental timing.
Is it very dry where you are? Im considering the use of a glass tank as a humidity chamber (few hrs a day during pre-shed).
Humidity seems to be a bigger issue in some climates/indoors, especially with screen cages and home air conditioning etc, than folk realise.
I use a ventilated plastic tub with some water in the bottom, ontop a heatmat as a huimidity chamber for snakes with shed issues.

Love to see some pics of his new 'jacket' :)
Im glad that's all it was Donna. Seems a rather slowish shed period though. I think its likely the shed-aid stuff dosent actually do all that much but rather the shed was due anyway, coincidental timing.
Is it very dry where you are? Im considering the use of a glass tank as a humidity chamber (few hrs a day during pre-shed).
Humidity seems to be a bigger issue in some climates/indoors, especially with screen cages and home air conditioning etc, than folk realise.
I use a ventilated plastic tub with some water in the bottom, ontop a heatmat as a huimidity chamber for snakes with shed issues.

Love to see some pics of his new 'jacket' :)

I was thinking the same thing....was it the shed aid or coincendence? Yes it's hard keeping the humidity up in the winter with central heat. I use a cool mist humidifier directed towards his cage with half covered with a throw blanket and it keeps it about 60% on that side. I will for sure post pics of his new 'jacket'.
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