Repashy calcium plus... this forum!!!so ill only use the repashy calcium plus once or twice a week and ill dust with plain calcium every feeding or so...just making sure cause i think the repashy calcium plus gave my sambava gular edema also i was using it every feeding...
I felt the same thing about using the repashy calcium plus everyday because of the D3. I only use when I feed crickets and that's about 2-3 times a week and Loki seems to be doing great. I've been using it for almost the whole year that I've had him. He also gets outside time when the weather allows. I agree that too much of a good thing is a bad thing and I don't think that it should be used every single day. Here's a typical feeding schedual for Loki: Mon. crickets dusted
tues. butterworms not dusted
wed. fasting day(only water)
thurs. crickets dusted
fri. hornworms or silkworms not dusted
sat. fasting day
sun. crickets dusted

This schedual is assuming he's hungry and eats every single day that I try to feed him, sometimes he doesn't and will skip a day, but normally he gets suppliments 2-3 times a week. Hope this helps!
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